Monday, 15 February 2016

A simple way to more life satsfaction


The simple answer is to become grateful for what you have.
I was not feeling very satisfied with where I was in life. Looking at my life I decided one thing I could do  easily was to be more grateful for what I had. I was so busy doing,  I was not taking the time to enjoy the good things that were happening. They were happening, I just didn't notice.
I did a bit of reading and found that as we become more appreciative it is easier for other people to chose to spend time with us. This can make us more trusting, enabling us to maintain old friendships better and make new ones more easily.
So the simple plan was to write down 3 new things  each day I am grateful for in a journal. I am doing this daily for at least 39 days. I chose 39 times  because it is supposed to be the magic number for creating a habit.
So far the experiment is a great success!!
Studies suggest gratitude makes us happier.

A five-minute a day gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent. That’s the same impact as doubling your income!

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