Friday, 25 March 2016

Sleep ypur way to success

Sleep is a vastly underrated commodity in western society. Our body was designed to run best on over eight hours sleep per night. Unfortunately the average person is running on six and a half to seven hours sleep. That puts us psychologically emotionally and physically behind the eight ball. We are simply not able to cope as well. We are emotionally more vulnerable, don't always think as clearly and don't have the staying power to perform at our peak for the long haul.

Many of us pride ourselves on how little sleep we can function on. Are we kidding ourselves? Are we actually sitting on a time bomb that could spell disaster over time.



When was the last time you got 8 hours or more of sleep for a week? Try it may change your long term future.

Interestingly my wife tells me that studies show that every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after midnight. So this clock is not in our best interest!!  The guy in the picture with alarm clock may have a better option..............if that is eight pm.......................Turn off the TV!!

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