Friday 1 April 2016

think a little

A life that is considered and examined in a healthy way is a life with potential. I am not talking about constantly navel gazing so you become incapacitated. I am talking about taking time think and reflect on your day is positive, proactive way. Developing it as  a source of power in your life.

 An unexamined life leaves only room to react!  Rather than putting forward a considered thoughtful response.

How much time do you take each day to reflect on the day.

  • What has happened during the day?

  • Who said or did what to you?

  • How valid was what they said?

  • Do you need to respond in some way to what was said or what happened?

  • Take time for self care!! Am I OK?

  •    What should I do next?

An individual life lived well and thoughtfully is a powerful life!

For me the time that I take to consider my life gives opportunity to take stock  and make changes where necessary. Affirm that I am in the right place even it may not be going quite so well today. I use the down time when I am alone to prepare and reflect. For example going to and from work in the car.

Where do you have time to spare ......................think a little

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