Friday, 15 April 2016

Smarter not harder!

Our dog Mac is Great Dane and has  badly damaged his back left knee. Because of his size it has meant that he has had to go to a specialist vet, which has proved both expensive and time consuming.

His specialist vet is in Pt Chevalier in Auckland and we live in Snells Beach, this is a commute of around 80 kilometres. I work in Mt Eden in Auckland so have a daily commute of around 70 kilometres one way. So I don't find the travelling difficult, it just goes with the territory. 

The first time I took him in I left at 6.00am and arrived at Pt Chevalier at 8.00am I deposited Mac and then set out by what I thought was a good route to Mt Eden. Well I finally arrived at work at around 9.15am having been on route for 3 hours 15 minutes from home.
The second time I took Mac for x rays I left at 6.00am and arrived at Pt Chevalier at 7.30am. Now I claim no credit for the better commute it just panned out that way. So I sat and read for a while to wait for the 8.00am drop off for his sedated X-Ray.  What I also did was watch the traffic and consider how the flow was moving along the road. It was much lighter than I had previously expected or experienced there. So I made a decision to change my route to Mt Eden. The result  was that I arrive at work at 8.45am half an hour faster than previously and that included stopping at McDonalds for breakfast and eating it in the car park.
Why the difference?......................Because I challenged my previous assumptions that these two roads would be full. I used what I was observing to give me new information. Therefore I made an informed decision, not one made from 80km away at home as I had previously.
If You do what you always do you, will get what you always got!

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