Saturday, 14 May 2016

"I have been waiting to talk to you"

Last Sunday in New Zealand was Mothers Day, so the extended family, comprising all our adult children and grandchildren went out for lunch. I was sitting next to my son-in-law Alex and we started to discuss the new car he was purchasing which was similar to one I own. Alex had been talking about the features he liked about the car. When he was expecting it to be available and about a slight glitch he had had with the mag wheels that needed fixing up.

Then he said "I have been waiting to talk to you about what I should do with the old car. How do I dispose of it easily?" When then proceeded to have a discussion about the possibilities. Upon hindsight I was intrigued that he had waited to talk to me about it. I came to the conclusion that we all trust certain voices in our lives when it comes to certain issues. They may not be the same voices as the topic changes, but in a particular sphere we trust that advice.

I started to mull over how important it is in an age where so much information is flying around us constantly. Some of it good, some not so good and some that is absolute rubbish. It is necessary to have sources we trust in our lives. In the future this will become more and more important. In our information soaked age where do you get your information?

Does "Uncle Google" or "Yahoo" really know everything? In the information age,it not so much about what you may know, it is more about knowing where to find trustworthy information that will supply your need.

Who are your trusted sources of advice?

How did you decide if they were trustworthy?

How do you decide what information you can rely on?

Food for thought until next time.


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