I started to think about my 2017 and what that might look like using the brainstorming method. I worked out the categories and activities I wanted to give attention to over the coming year.
- What that might look.
- What preparation that might need from me before 2017.
As I sat back and pondered that process I decided that I also need to take a longer term view. This may be partly because of my age, as I am acutely aware I am not getting any younger. I want to make sure that my time counts for something in the coming years. I guess I am starting to think "legacy", what will I leave behind? What did I exchange my life for?
London Panorama |
I decided I needed to think bigger! Take a panoramic view if you will. Starting to say where do I want to be in 5 years time? What do I want to be doing? What might I have achieved?

So I decided to take each of those major categories and extend out my goals in broad terms towards 2021. Where do I see myself in 2021 as far as career, family, recreation, and yes, health because the decisions I make today will influence my health in the coming years about diet and fitness. I have just lost 7Kg in weight I have a little more to go. However if I do not change my life style I will gradually lose all that I have gained. I know because I have done it before! I must enjoy my success absolutely! Then make a plan to maintain that desired weight level. As the blog title says I must be intentional!
So where do you want to be in 2021? If you are not sure, it is worth some thought. I know I am starting to pay more attention to living intentionally not just drifting from one year to the next with short term to planning. I have done it all my life bounced over here and then moved over there with what should be happening.. I need to focus on what my long term goals are to see things achieved.
Things that matter!!
Until next time.