I think a lot of our difficulty comes for the fact that we often act first then decide we need a plan. When we are impulsive it leaves us vulnerable because we simply have not considered all of the possibilities we face. It sounded like a good idea at the time!! Even when we plan our planning often only covers the areas we want to consider, not taking areas of risk into account.
I know come next year I will need to have some plans in place for what I think 2017 could bring. It is so easy to drift along even if we have a vague sort of idea about where I think I could end up or what I want to do. Because everything is a little bit vague it is so much easier to just give up because we don't really know what is working and what is not. A destination point is not a plan it is at best an itinerary and unless it shows detail on the way not even a good one of those.

Most of us don't fail we just QUIT!
If we don't have a plan how can we make new decisions, modify our thoughts, reposition ourselves for further action.
Looking for change in 2017! It is time for us to do some "Intentional Living". We are going to plan together!
Until next time and some S.M.A.R.T goals!