I was chatting to a friend of mine who runs marathons about my decision to change to walking rather than keep running. She said "Oh I read that in your blog and it is probably more sustainable long term. As a coach it started me thinking about sustainability. We make so many decisions and plans that are not fulfilled because we don't take into account sustainability. How sustainable is this plan or idea. More to the point how does this effect practice and plans that already exist in how lives. This is like the domino effect when one thing changes it has a carry on effect to other things around it! And so the dominoes fall.
I will use the running/walking as the example. When I came back off the cruise boat, I was on holiday, so the decision to run/walk was not under much pressure. Because I had more time. However when I went back to work I needed to find an extra 50-60 minutes in my day 4 or 5 times a week if I am going to sustain this new activity. Easier said than done. What do I need to consider............... well I still have to work, maintain relationships, do chores and not to mention write two blogs a week. Is this sustainable??
The before this new decision traffic!! |
Well the answer is yes. I chose a time that would have the least impact on any other activity. That centred around when I get up and go to work. If I leave work at 6.00am it can take me between an hour to an hour and a half to get there. To do that I get up at 5.10am shower get ready and leave. So what I now do is get up at 4.55am get my walking gear on and in the car by 5.05am. Then my trip is between 50-55 minutes. Which means I arrive at work at 6.00am, warm up and be on the road by 6.10 walk for 50 minutes. I am lucky to have a shower at work so I can have had breakfast and showered by 7.30am ready to go at my normal work time. I get up only 15 minutes earlier, have a much easier commute and I am fitter and healthier to boot.
The after this new decision traffic............. a no brainer! |
The flow down effect is good all round. It is sustainable in the foreseeable future. It only came by looking at the big picture. Where was this likely to cause the least flow on effect to make the chances of sustainability higher. Then the dominoes may wobble but probably not fall.
Next you have to make a lifestyle decision check its theoretical sustainability first. Then experiment should be less frustrating and probably more effective!!