Our neighbourhood has had a little bit of infestation of rats running around in the neighbourhood gardens. This has proved a little challenging to us and our neighbours. We personally decided to get rid of our compost grass clipping pile in case it provides a place for the rats to nest. I am pleased to report that there no nests!
Now this compost pile was well established so represent an enormous amount of work moving it. At first it looked quite daunting, it was no small pile. As I started to dig it out and remove the grass and other vegetation. I started to realise that in the bottom of this pile was rich compost soil. What began as just hard work became a new resource, in the end it is all about perspective!!
This has enabled to us to repair parts of the garden and lawns and spread a layer of rich compost across the gardens, allowing us to turn something that felt like a negative into a positive. Because of the change of perspective I looked at the whole back garden with new eyes and removed large chunks of the planting we had and were unhappy with. As a result we will have a complete new look garden in the coming spring with the new rich soil to form the basis.
Sometimes in difficult or even unpleasant tasks there can be hidden treasure if you look for it. For us it was a complete rethink of our garden from a simple task that wasn't much fun initially. All sorts of things can bring new vision and hope.....................................Keep your eyes open!!
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