Sunday, 26 June 2016

Micro to Macro - "Joining the Dots'

I was have a conversation with a friend of mine about some of the things that have happened in her life recently. A number of things had been challenging for her  and she was busy analysing what had happed in each case. What and how effected it had had on her and what she could do about it. I sat and listened for a while quietly.

I then asked these simple questions; How are these things linked? I then asked, What was is similar about each situation?

That really revolutionised her thought, she began to see links. Differences, but also similar causes and characteristics. "Wow" she said "All this stuff has the same basic pattern."

There are times when is beneficial to step back to get the macro view because it allows you to see patterns that may be masked in the up close viewpoint. The next question I asked was what can you do with this information? The solutions then started to develop with the revelation of the connections.

Are there issues in your life where stepping back and gaining a wider view may be a key to moving forward.

Have an awesome week.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Viva la France

I must admit I had become a little disappointed by the numbers who had read my blogs in the last couple of weeks. There has seemed to be a downward trend, considering they take such a lot of thought and time to write.

I was beginning to wonder what I was going to write about this week. Then I noticed that I had 7 new readers from France. I had never had any French readers before, as far as I can remember. I found this quite encouraging, it gave me  a lift in my thinking and emotions. The other point about them was they had found the blog without Facebook which was also encouraging.

It occurred to me that we become disappointed and discouraged on occasions because we don't look for something to lift our spirits. In itself there is nothing that miraculous about 7 new French readers, but by allowing it to lift me, I was maintaining my own balance. That allowed me to go on to notice that in this week alone people from six nations read this blog!

You can too look around you, there is encouragement everywhere. You  just have to see it. Start small, you never know where it could take you. Often it is all in the way you look at it. Is the  glass half  full or half empty?

Until next week. Even if the glass is only half full, it seems a better option.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

IQ of a washing machine?

I was sitting listening to the washing machine spinning away during it's cycle. That started me thinking about how it gets out of balance. I mean you can put a load of washing on very carefully spreading everything in the machine,  trying make sure there is good weight distribution. Strangely, sometimes the clothes and other articles absorb more water than we expect or it could be the agitation in the washing action........ Then the whole load becomes out of balance. As the suspension in the machine can't cope with the unequal weight distribution, the spin cycle cuts out.Including alarm noises as well!!

Modern machines have, as the illustration shows  have bump detection system which allows the machine to cut itself out if it gets too far out of balance. I started to think wouldn't that be great if we had as much sense as the washing machine. To stop and sit down and take stock when things are not going as well as we hoped. How often do we plan our day so carefully, with much more care than we take care in loading our washing machine.  Then there may be too much agitation in our day!  Or just didn't quite figure out the weight of certain items. However unfortunately when things get out of whack, often we just try and push through. We don't stop and reassess where we are, even when the alarm goes off.  Then redistribute our days load accordingly, giving us more chance of success.

I marvel at myself sometimes that I don't have the IQ of a washing machine. Maybe I should look at my washing machine with new admiration. It knows when to say enough!

How about you?

Till next week Paul

Monday, 6 June 2016

10% Inspiration and.......................

Inspiration is an interesting commodity in todays world. There is a great deal of emphasis placed on things that inspire us or people that inspire us. We have quotes flying all over the internet of things that people have said that are supposed to inspire and encourage us.

This week I have had a few things described to me as inspirational. So I started to think about what is inspirational? After some thought I feel that inspiration is like the ignition system in a car it gets the car started, but it is not what in the end will drive it forward.

I am more inclined towards the concept that greatness is achieved by 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Many things are  started (inspiration), but few are followed through to completion perspiration. My job is to take inspiration and work with it to see something worthwhile develop.

Here are some definitions that might help:

inspiration (n.) Look up inspiration at
c. 1300, "immediate influence of God or a god," especially that under which the holy books were written, from Old French inspiracion "inhaling, breathing in; inspiration" (13c.), from Late Latin inspirationem (nominative inspiratio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin inspirare "blow into, breathe upon," figuratively "inspire, excite, inflame," from in- "in" (see in- (2)) + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit (n.)).

Another set of definitions which fit in with modern culture
  1. A person, object, or situation which quickens or stimulates an influence upon the intellect, emotions or creativity. 
  2. A new idea, especially one which arises suddenly and is clever or creative.  [

I would accept all of these definitions as part of my values system. I do believe in "divine breath." I also believe that people under that influence can be inspirational to me.

So who inspires me:
I will start with a couple historical figures and the reason why?

Winston Churchill has always inspired me given that I am a Baby Boomer born after World War 2 and during the Cold War. Brought up on Commando war comics and having a great love for English history. Why do I admire Churchill? Firstly he had an unshakeable sense of destiny; he knew no matter what his life looked like,  he was created for a purpose and greatness. He became a symbol of the character of a generation that overcame huge odds to triumph .Another point for me is he did his best work in his 60's being 71 at the end of the war.( I must be getting older)

Martin Luther King Jnr was a leader in a different generation leading for a different reason.. His cause was social justice. Martin Luther King Jnr came  as a man of peace, with great courage he stood against violence and corruption to see his  dream achieved. He did not live to see the full effect of what he set out to achieve. It is still unfolding!


I think that one of the things that inspires me about both King and Churchill was that they were not perfect saints. They had  some spectacular character flaws but still achieved their purpose in their generation.

Rachel Joy Scott was actually incredibly young, but still achieved her purpose in her generation. a victim of the Columbine massacre on April 20 1999 in Colorado in the United States. She was able to work on a small scale of an every day high school student but still inspire a generation of her peers. It encourages me that we may never know how or what we will do will effect others; walking our everyday journey.
She walked to a different drum beat and that made all the difference. If you don't know who she is look for the book called "Rachel's Tears"

Whether we perform on the macro or micro stage we can still have a profound influence on those around us .

The next two inspirational people are so special because I walk with them on a daily and weekly basis.

Colin Shilston is a man of honour and integrity I have walked with for 18 years. I have privilege of journeying with him through the good, the bad and sometimes the down right ugly. He is a rare commodity in this day and age "authentic man". Above all he is a man of courage to stand for what he believes when to it is not popular, acknowledge when he gets it wrong, and last but not least, give his utmost for God's highest in this generation.

I will continue to be inspired by this man and consider it an absolute honour to know him.

I have saved the best till last. The person I am going to acknowledge is my beautiful wife of 30 years Bev. This wonderful women has been my companion for 30+ years. I watched her walk through  the difficult places with integrity and courage. She has done things in that should not have been able to be done but she has achieved them anyway. She is starting to see the fruits of her labours, while still dealing with the curve balls that life throws at her. I am so privileged and inspired to journey with you truly do do encapsulate the 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. The quiet achiever! my love you inspire me everyday!

Who inspires you? But most importantly why?