Sunday, 12 June 2016

IQ of a washing machine?

I was sitting listening to the washing machine spinning away during it's cycle. That started me thinking about how it gets out of balance. I mean you can put a load of washing on very carefully spreading everything in the machine,  trying make sure there is good weight distribution. Strangely, sometimes the clothes and other articles absorb more water than we expect or it could be the agitation in the washing action........ Then the whole load becomes out of balance. As the suspension in the machine can't cope with the unequal weight distribution, the spin cycle cuts out.Including alarm noises as well!!

Modern machines have, as the illustration shows  have bump detection system which allows the machine to cut itself out if it gets too far out of balance. I started to think wouldn't that be great if we had as much sense as the washing machine. To stop and sit down and take stock when things are not going as well as we hoped. How often do we plan our day so carefully, with much more care than we take care in loading our washing machine.  Then there may be too much agitation in our day!  Or just didn't quite figure out the weight of certain items. However unfortunately when things get out of whack, often we just try and push through. We don't stop and reassess where we are, even when the alarm goes off.  Then redistribute our days load accordingly, giving us more chance of success.

I marvel at myself sometimes that I don't have the IQ of a washing machine. Maybe I should look at my washing machine with new admiration. It knows when to say enough!

How about you?

Till next week Paul

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