Sunday, 26 June 2016

Micro to Macro - "Joining the Dots'

I was have a conversation with a friend of mine about some of the things that have happened in her life recently. A number of things had been challenging for her  and she was busy analysing what had happed in each case. What and how effected it had had on her and what she could do about it. I sat and listened for a while quietly.

I then asked these simple questions; How are these things linked? I then asked, What was is similar about each situation?

That really revolutionised her thought, she began to see links. Differences, but also similar causes and characteristics. "Wow" she said "All this stuff has the same basic pattern."

There are times when is beneficial to step back to get the macro view because it allows you to see patterns that may be masked in the up close viewpoint. The next question I asked was what can you do with this information? The solutions then started to develop with the revelation of the connections.

Are there issues in your life where stepping back and gaining a wider view may be a key to moving forward.

Have an awesome week.

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