Sunday, 28 August 2016

Busy.....just do it and REST!

We live a busy life style and are sometimes overcommitted. So how do we rest in our busyness? I started to think about that this weekend. My wife and I went to Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium with my son, his wife and their three year old. This was going to be part of a busy weekend. I was thinking about the things that we had to do as we went to meet them. It was great to spend time with them and Caitlin (the 3 year old) loved the fish and other marine life. Especially seeing a real life Nemo and Dory. She even managed to go home with a soft toy Nemo.  Now what has being with an excited 3 year old got to with rest you may well ask.

Well it goes like this, as we went round the aquarium, I noticed that as I started to watch the fish I started to relax.  As I understand, it quite a natural response as aquarium owners round the world will testify. However what struck me was that you have to take the moments of rest and relaxation where you find them. So my taking the time to watch the fish while being as present as possible with Caitlin was a winner.

We were having dinner with friends that night. One of the things that needed to be done was to make an ice cream desert cake. We were a little pushed for time, but as I started I just determined to enjoy the process. In that enjoyment I started to rest in the activity. It was not a chore I enjoyed it, becoming recreation and in the end restorative.

I was reminded of the line in Mary Poppins which says this "In every job to done there is an element of fun. find the fun and snap the jobs a game!" If we could live this out, we might just find a key to resting in our busy lives. In the things we have to do..................find the enjoyment where possible, either in the task, the environment or the company!!

Might just ease your load!

Until next time

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